Quote history
Welcome to Custom Pack Rigging™, the Canadian horse packing gear company. Located in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada, we ship our quality pack rigging products all over BC, Canada and the world. Our ideals are to grow with this industry and to create new horse packing equipment to enhance today’s back country horsemen and back country enthusiasts.
Our company has been in the business of providing custom made horse and mule pack rigging for decades. The original owner of the company Abe Ewert, designed and manufactured pack equipment for over thirty years. Anyone that has ever packed a mule or horse, knows he revolutionized the pack industry, bringing it into the twenty first century. Kelly DeStrake continued to provide the quality service Abe was known for twenty-three years, then it was time to pass the tradition along.
We are dedicated to continuing to provide the quality service that Abe and Kelly offered packers around the world. You will find our back country products to be practical, functional, economical and most importantly, we make the only adjustable pack saddle design in the world, built with the ultimate comfort to your animal and humane use in mind.
Please contact us if you have any questions about our company or products.